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30 Jan 2013
Kate de Lautour

Listed by Forbes.com as one of the top ten business incubators in the world, The ICEHOUSE Business Growth Centre is coming to Hawke’s Bay, with a formal launch to be held on April 18th. In a coup for the region, the business hub in…

19 Dec 2012
Kate de Lautour

In October 2011, a Business Hawke’s Bay Food Forum was held at Silky Oak which included; Ministry of Economic Development, NZTE, Massey University, HBRC, Hastings DC, food companies, Food Hawke’s Bay, MSI and Business Hawke’s Bay.…

17 Dec 2012
Kate de Lautour

Hawke’s Bay is being used as an example to other regions of how the HPWI (High Performance Work Initiative) can produce positive results for businesses. …

3 Dec 2012
Kate de Lautour

The ICEHOUSE starts move into Hawke’s Bay The ICEHOUSE Business Growth Centre, based in Auckland, has entered stage one of a move to offer services in Hawke’s Bay, following an…

27 Nov 2012
Kate de Lautour

A break into the lucrative Australian market has opened up exciting opportunities for long established Onekawa based company Falcon Electrical. Trained as an electro-mechanical and control systems engineer, Falcon owner Richard…

26 Nov 2012
Kate de Lautour

The world’s biggest entrepreneurial programme is coming to Hawke’s Bay. Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups.…

29 Oct 2012
Kate de Lautour

Hawkes Bay’s status as New Zealand’s leading food producing region is a step closer to being confirmed with the creation of a food network facilitator role, within the region’s economic development entity, Business Hawke’s Bay.…

15 Oct 2012
Kate de Lautour

A camera jib arm, with Holly/Bollywood credentials, is giving Hawke’s Bay film production company Indelible extended reach for businesses wanting to create high spec’ corporate videos or television advertising.…

8 Oct 2012
kate de Lautour

A recent trip to the world’s biggest airshow Osh Kosh, to launch the design of the two seater helicopter Auroa, has propelled Ahuriri based design company Axia to the top of a highly competitive sector.…

8 Oct 2012
kate de Lautour

Introduction: Business Hawkes Bay is the regional economic development agency made up of specialist business consultants, with support from the local councils. Business Hawkes Bay has a strategy of planned…