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Regional Business Partner Hawke's Bay

NZ trade and enterprise capability development

Graham Leech

New Zealand's leading red meat genetics company has been given a huge boost from both the capability development funding and R&D; funding.

Focus Genetics – Receives Capability Development and Research and Development Funding

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? The Regional Business Partner will assess your business and capability needs and prepare a development plan for you. They will provide advice, information and business assistance, direct you to relevant resources and services and facilitate relationships between businesses. Partially subsidised training and coaching services are also available and can be accessed through a voucher system which is funded through NZ Trade and Enterprise (NZTE).

The Regional Business Partner will also help you grow your business through Innovation and Research and Development (R&D;). The Ministry of Science and Innovation's (MSI) investment programme provides businesses with funding, support and advice to undertake R&D; projects and build their R&D; and commercialisation capabilities.

New Zealand's leading red meat genetics company has been given a huge boost from both the capability development funding and R&D; funding.

Hawke's Bay based company, Focus Genetics was formed in June 2011 to develop genetically superior sheep, cattle and deer breeds to improve farm performance.

The global company is the number one source of New Zealand's red meat genetics and was formed from the amalgamation of Rissington Breedline Ltd and Landcorp Farming Ltd's genetics division.

It has worked with the MSI Regional Business Partner to access funding to obtain Intellectual Property advice and to secure a Masters student to undertake a lamb genetics research project. Given its confidence in the MSI application process, Focus Genetics applied for additional funds to enable significant R&D; over the next 3 years.

"The funding support has given us a much needed boost to improve our gene pool. Science costs money and breeding technology is getting more expensive so the money has significantly improved our level of resources." says Focus Genetics CEO, Graham Leech.

"The quicker we achieve genetic gain, the better it is for our farmer customers. It means highly productive, high-yielding animals, which produce better quality meat, which is better for New Zealand exports and hence the economy."

Graham says the R&D; funding has given Focus Genetics the ability to continue to invest in meat quality work and improve the taste, colour, shelf-life and tenderness of New Zealand's red meat.

Focus Genetics has also benefitted through the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme. The company received funding for its new CEO Graham Leech to attend a high level management course.

"It's a chance for me to get my head out of my own business and see how other businesses operate."

"The course has taught me great leadership skills. I originally come from the outskirts of London so have only more recently been involved in the agriculture sector in New Zealand, but I have learnt that my professional strengths can be applied well to help the business grow. The beauty of the process is that you are forced to look at yourself critically and that is the only way to move forward. "

"There are more funds out there than people realise, so businesses should take the bull by the horns and jump on the opportunity. Spending money on R&D; and investing in upskilling key staff is so important for driving a business forward. If you don't do it, you'll be left behind. "

For further information you can contact Regional Business Partner Hawke's Bay which is jointly the Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce and the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. These entities are the primary contacts for Government-funded business assistance in the Hawke's Bay region.

"The funding support has given us a much needed boost to improve our gene pool. Science costs money and breeding technology is getting more expensive so the money has significantly improved our level of resources."

Brett Johnston
Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 06 876 5938
Email: Click here
Website: Click here