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High Performance

work initiative

HPW is a general approach to improving workplace practices

High Performance Work Initiative

As part of a drive to lift New Zealand's productivity, the government has launched a workplace initiative to provide practical support to firms wanting to introduce High Performance Working (HPW) practices.


HPW is a general approach to improving workplace practices, it involves;

  • A systematic approach to business improvement
  • Enhanced workplace practices to raise productivity
  • A high level of employee engagement
  • An approach that becomes part of an organisation's normal and ongoing way of working

What's in it for Employers?

  1. Higher productivity and competitiveness
  2. More committed and engaged staff
  3. Healthier and safer workplaces

What's in it for Employees?

  1. Better quality working life and a say in how work is done.
  2. More job security and recognition

How does it work?

Callaghan Innovation contracts Business Hawke's Bay as an HPW partner. Business Hawke's Bay in turn manages the partnership and contracts specialist business improvement consultants to work with Hawke's Bay Small and Medium size firms (10-50 employees) to develop high performance working processes. Business Hawkes Bay will promote and champion HPW, Lean Manufacturing and Continuous Business Improvement processes.

What do Hawke's Bay firms have to commit to?

  1. Time, enthusiasm and commitment to HPW
  2. A contribution to project costs
  3. Engage in follow-up activities to promote HPW approach to their fellow Hawke's Bay businesses
  4. Have a genuine commitment to good workplace communications, relationships and culture.

As part of a drive to lift New Zealand's productivity, the government has launched a workplace initiative to provide practical support to firms wanting to introduce High Performance Working (HPW) practices.


Craig Cameron
Economic and Social Development
Hastings District Council
207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings
Phone: 06 871 5110 Extn 5505
Email: Click here


Susan White
Business Hawke's Bay
Eastern Institute of Technology,
501 Gloucester Street, Taradale 4112
Phone: 06 650 7004
Email: Click here