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Helping Hawke's Bay's food sector grow

Latest News: Food and Beverage Programme Manager Appointment


Business Hawke's Bay is Hawke's Bay's business-led economic development organization with a focus on strategic regional projects and business development and growth.The Food and Beverage Programme Manager is Catherine Rusby.

We are working closely with industry clients to inform, educate and assist in opportunities for growth.  This includes networking and facilitating referrals for capability building, technology, processing availability, research and development and business advice

Work with individual companies is project focused, sometimes supporting as a strategic coach. We also manage any food and beverage projects of benefit to the entire region and encourage collaboration of businesses to achieve their goals and aims.

If your business is up and running but you feel you'd like some support getting to the next level,  email us. 

A key function of Business Hawke's Bay is business attraction and this includes specialist targeting of food and beverage related businesses that would benefit from all that the Hawke's Bay region has to offer.

Hawke's Bay's food and beverage strategy is jointly owned and implemented by both Business Hawke's Bay and Food Hawke's Bay.  Each organisation has services and support available to food and beverage business within the region.

 Jointly, our goal is to:


Food Hawke's Bay - Led by Patricia Small, Hawke's Bay Food Brand Manager. Food Hawke's Bay is the place to go for “grassroots” advice and start-up questions relevant to a new food business or product.  No question is too small or too simple – Food Hawke's Bay is here to solve the basic problems and help you with the first steps.  Becoming a member of Food Hawke's Bay also allows you to connect with the resources and knowledge sharing amongst the organisation.  

Food Hawke's Bay has a diverse membership base and fosters culinary tourism.  The Food Trail, the Hawke's Regional Signature Dish, the Hawke's Bay Hospitality Awards and F.A.W.C!'s Locavore's Lunch are all events and activities developed and managed by Food Hawke's Bay.

Email Patricia Small at Food Hawke's Bay